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Using The Law of Attraction To Achieve Your Dreams

dreamitOver the last decade or so, there has been a lot of discussion about the Law of Attraction. There have been books written about the various aspects of the Law of Attraction, as well as movies and documentaries produced about the power of visualization to manifest one’s deepest desires. Truly speaking, the power of the Law of Attraction lies not in the intellectual ability to visualize one’s desires and goals, but to viscerally feel and embody the ultimate goal or desire as if it has already happened.

Clarifying Goals

The first step to implementing the power of the Law of Attraction in your own life, is to clarifying what the end result, goal or desire is that you would like to manifest. For example, if you would like to manifest good health, you may want to ask yourself a series of questions about what it feels like to be in a state of optimal health. Are there specific health issues that you would like to address? Or would you like to lose ten pounds before the summer? If so, how would you feel when you lost ten pounds?

Feeling and Embodying the Goal

Once you have determined what you goal or desire is that you would like to manifest, spending some time in quiet visualization to really connect with how you would feel will help you to ground the energy of manifestation into your own body and mind. For example, by really feeling how you would feel when you are in optimal good health, or if you lost ten pounds, will help you to resonate with the energy of the manifestation result that you are seeking.

Acting in Accordance with the Law of Attraction

The final step to truly implementing the Law of Attraction in your own life, is to not only embody how you will feel once you have achieved your chosen goal or desire, but to act in accordance with the reality of achieving your goal. In other words, if you really would like to lose ten pounds over the next couple of months, buying a few pieces of clothing that will look awesome on you once you do lose that final ten pounds, will give your body and mind the message that losing ten pounds is not an option. It will happen. In the same way, by taking some time everyday to visualize how you would feel in a state of optimal good health, you will ultimately make the daily choices that will lead to a state of vibrant health and well-being. For more info about putting the Law of Attraction to work in your life, check out this awesome guide: http://www.success.com/mobile/article/7-steps-to-achieve-your-dream.

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