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Personal Development

Three Things that Will Help You Achieve Your Dreams

Male ski-climber climbing a snowy ridge; horizontal frame. Italian alps.

Achieving your goals and dreams is a lifelong pursuit for most people. In fact, many people spend a majority of their time moving through the mundane tasks of each day only to end up with yet another ‘wasted’ day instead of a day in pursuit of their life dreams. What is the difference between someone who achieves their dreams and one who doesn’t? Perhaps it’s in the planning. All people who have achieved success know how to set goals and how to achieve them. If you have a dream and feel that you will never be able to achieve it, think again. Here are three tips that will help to ensure that you are actively in your own success.

Setting purposeful goals does not mean that your life has to be limited. Goals are flexible and individual. Setting a goal and writing down your objectives can include short term tasks or long term tasks that are broken into smaller parts. How can you effectively develop a life plan?

Decide on a Purpose

Decide clearly on what your life goal(s) is. Be practical but goal oriented. Make your goals clear and measurable so you can analyze your success along the way. Be sure that your goals are achievable and realistic, but don’t be afraid to shoot for the moon. As long as your dreams are realistic and you can see progress towards their achievement, you won’t run the risk of becoming unmotivated or losing hope. Instead, use a visual aid of some sort – a poster or marker – showing where you are and where you hope to be. Be sure to demonstrate on your chart all of your successes.

Also, make sure that your list of goals is easily visible to you on a regular basis – hang it in your kitchen or in your car- somewhere that you can’t avoid seeing it. When you see your goals, your brain will be activated by the message and motivated to respond. Don’t hesitate to discuss your goals with other people because this will make you accountable to those around you (which is a great motivator!).

Assign a Timeline/Deadline to Follow

When you assign a time value to your tasks, they aren’t just things to be done ‘sometime’. In fact, as the saying goes, ‘tomorrow never comes’. When you write down your goals, be sure to also write down an expected time of performance as well as a time of completion. If you are unable to meet the goal in the designated time frame, don’t fret. Simply assign a new time frame to your task and continue your efforts.

Don’t Wait! Start Right Away!

Why wait to get started? Don’t put off the inevitable. Beginning and gaining momentum in your new life pursuit will be the most motivating experience of your life. Think about it this way: six months from now, you could be right where you are or you could be six months into your life’s dreams. All it takes is the first step in the right direction.

Changing your life for the better only involves your motivation. Choosing to follow your life’s pursuits is a life changing experience. You only get once chance to accomplish the things you want to in life. Time is the only unexpendable resource – once it’s gone, you can’t earn it back or buy it. So, don’t waste one minute of it. Start today planning for the best possible future you can have. Your dreams are only a plan away!

How Education Can Improve Your Life

Study after study will confirm that those with an education will earn more, achieve more, feel happier, and live longer than those who do not. Because of this, we here at han123.net always advocate for more education. Even if you you think you’re too old to go back to school, it’s never too late. Going back to school will provide added confidence, skills, and the necessary process for achieving more with your life.

More than likely, if you’re reading this, you have come to a very important realization at this point in your life. The lack of a high school diploma on your resume may be preventing you from attaining employment. Whether you are choosing to join the military or work at your local supermarket, employers will be searching for this high school diploma when considering hiring a candidate. Life circumstances prevented you from graduating in the past, here is a second chance to make that accomplishment.

GED Vs. High School Diploma

The General Education Development test is supposed to test the students at a high school level, when in actuality, sets the bar considerably lower than an excellent education. Statistically, high school graduates earn more, further their education more, and are less likely to drop out of college and/or the military, than GED holders. A diploma is valued because it represents a consistency and lack of shortcuts. A high school diploma is consistently favored over a GED, and may be the element that gets you the job!

Pros Vs. Cons

You choose at what pace you work. Subjects that you excel in can be completed quickly, while subjects you struggle in can be completed at a slower pace. You choose your school hours around your schedule. Focusing more on school work than bullies and other distractions are a great deal easier. Many students complete their curriculum and earn their degree faster! All of these factors are pros of choosing an online GED.

On the other hand, a student will miss out on the more enjoyable events of a traditional school, such as prom. Subjects in which the student struggles, may be exceptionally difficult due to the absence of a physical teacher.

Important Components To Consider

Quality is of utmost importance! In order to know if an online school is legit, you need to make sure the program is through an agency identified by the U.S. Department of Education. Research the rate of students completing the program successfully, class flexibility, ease of communicating with teachers, and extracurricular activities. It can cost $0-$10,000+ per year depending on government aid. Cost is also extremely impacted by what type of school you choose.

Top Schools

The following are a few of the best schools around, that are definitely worth looking into. Northstar Academy (Christian School), University of Missouri, and Indiana University High School.

Using The Law of Attraction To Achieve Your Dreams

dreamitOver the last decade or so, there has been a lot of discussion about the Law of Attraction. There have been books written about the various aspects of the Law of Attraction, as well as movies and documentaries produced about the power of visualization to manifest one’s deepest desires. Truly speaking, the power of the Law of Attraction lies not in the intellectual ability to visualize one’s desires and goals, but to viscerally feel and embody the ultimate goal or desire as if it has already happened.

Clarifying Goals

The first step to implementing the power of the Law of Attraction in your own life, is to clarifying what the end result, goal or desire is that you would like to manifest. For example, if you would like to manifest good health, you may want to ask yourself a series of questions about what it feels like to be in a state of optimal health. Are there specific health issues that you would like to address? Or would you like to lose ten pounds before the summer? If so, how would you feel when you lost ten pounds?

Feeling and Embodying the Goal

Once you have determined what you goal or desire is that you would like to manifest, spending some time in quiet visualization to really connect with how you would feel will help you to ground the energy of manifestation into your own body and mind. For example, by really feeling how you would feel when you are in optimal good health, or if you lost ten pounds, will help you to resonate with the energy of the manifestation result that you are seeking.

Acting in Accordance with the Law of Attraction

The final step to truly implementing the Law of Attraction in your own life, is to not only embody how you will feel once you have achieved your chosen goal or desire, but to act in accordance with the reality of achieving your goal. In other words, if you really would like to lose ten pounds over the next couple of months, buying a few pieces of clothing that will look awesome on you once you do lose that final ten pounds, will give your body and mind the message that losing ten pounds is not an option. It will happen. In the same way, by taking some time everyday to visualize how you would feel in a state of optimal good health, you will ultimately make the daily choices that will lead to a state of vibrant health and well-being. For more info about putting the Law of Attraction to work in your life, check out this awesome guide: http://www.success.com/mobile/article/7-steps-to-achieve-your-dream.